Our Puppies

Current Litter

Previous Litter

Atama x Wonder puppies were born on 19 April 2024. Mom and 2 princesses are doing very well. They have wonderful homes.

Sigi x Cruz puppies are here!

(Sorry, they are all spoken for)

We had 7 beautiful puppies on 5 April 2003.

3 Boys and 4 Girls. Sigi has been such a tender and loving momma.

Are you interested in becoming our puppy-parents? Please click the link below to complete the puppy questionnaire!

Puppy Questionnaire

We choose mating pairs carefully based on health clearances, lineage history and conformation. We start moms with prenatal vitamins and high nutrition diet as soon as they are bred. Our puppies are raised with Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS), Rule of 7 and Puppy Culture Program. We let puppies experience age-appropriate stimulations through play.

We use common items around the house as training tools.

Puppies familiarize on different textures and surfaces

Puppies are raised with lots of hugs, encouragements and positive reinforcement.

Belle x Ghost puppies are all placed and have fantastic homes, but here are some photos!

Bell x Ghost Puppies