In memory…

JWSA GRCH, UKC CH Von Tasz Konstanze of Serenity, SPOT, CGCA, TDI, HC/D, HCT/S. “Snowy”

Von Tasz Konstanze of Serenity, “Snowy” was my foundation bitch. She was the one who got us started. She had an amazing, rock-solid temperament...she was very gentle and calm, which made her the best Therapy Dog and she absolutely LOVED her job!!

Snowy had a beautiful pure white coat with very dark pigments. She was very solidly built and her fluid movement was to die for! She earned a conformation Grand Champion title in Japan White Shepherd Association (JWSA) as well as a conformation Champion title in United Kennel Club (UKC). She’s also earned a Herding Instinct Tests with both sheep and ducks, Canine Good Citizen (CGC), Advanced Canine Good Citizen (CGCA), Socialized Pet Obedience Test (SPOT) and certified Therapy Dog thru Therapy Dog International (TDI).

*Snowy has crossed the Rainbow Bridge on 17 March 2021. She’s remembered dearly as the matriarch of the Serenity Valley pack.


Serenity’s Andre Grandier



What can I tell you about this guy? He was one of my Snowy puppies-whelped and raised by us at Serenity Valley. He had traveled with us to Japan where we spent 5 years due to my work with the Army. Because of this his UKC debut did not occur until 2019, after we returned from Japan. But when he did he took it by storm! His very first show he earned Best of Winners, then he earned 5 consecutive Best in Multiple Breed Show (BIMBIS)s to earn his Champion title!

But what makes him so special was his sweet and loving personality. He loved babies and puppies. Andy self-appointed as a puppy-sitter for all our puppies.

*Our beloved boy earned his wings on 7/24/2020. He is dearly missed.

Snowy and Andy were inseparable. This is how I envision them.❤️
